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By Tackle Tactics Pro Angler Adrian Webb
First published: Jun 20 2018

Adrian 'Meppsta' Webb is a trout fanatic from Tasmania, who has a long history of consistent success on trout using Mepps inline spinners.

Tannin Trout a Plenty 6-11-2018

Dull, cool, overcast weather with rain due around midday saw me heading to the tannin waters this morning for a spin session. Over the past three days we had just on 15mm of rain, most of which soaked into the ground, however the water level did rise a little bit, which was enough to turn the trout on.

I didn't walk downstream as far as I usually do because I wanted to end the spin session further upstream than where I would normally finish fishing on other trips. The conditions were ideal and I was feeling pretty confident today, mainly because I checked my diary yesterday and found the tannin water fished well this time last season.

Like my last trip to the tannin water I started the session off with the #00 Mepps Aglia Mouche Noire copper blade spinner, it only took ten minutes before I had my first small brown caught and then released. Knowing the trout wouldn't be large fish didn't bother me, just catching a few and enjoying my time in the river is always good enough.

It was a little quiet over the next couple of stretches of water, where I hooked and lost a couple more little browns, before the fishing slowly picked up and I caught another four browns over the next hour as well as losing three others.

I was back to where I finished up last week, so now I was moving into new water that I haven't fished so far this trout season. It only took a couple of casts into a tight area of water and I had a small brown take the little Aglia spinner. The next stretch of water was very shallow and here I drew the attention of a little brown that had a couple of nips at the spinner before darting off.

The following short run I had another hit and miss, so I decided I'd give a #00 gold Mepps Black Fury spinner a go on the trout. A twenty five foot cast directly upstream, into a narrow two foot wide piece of water that had tea trees on one side and reeds on the other, resulted in a solid brown taking the Black Fury no sooner than it had hit the water. Moving on and the following stretch of water saw me hook and land another small brown, before I had a few light hit and misses in the next two shorts runs of water.

I went for another change of lure and this time it was a #00 gold Aglia. That little lure picked up a couple more browns in pretty quick time, before the trout only started tapping at it. Another change of lure and it was back to the copper Aglia Mouche again.

The wind had picked up and it was starting to rain... the change of weather had arrived. Even though the rain wasn't heavy it was enough to start making me a little on the damp side. I kept fishing my way upstream, picking up a trout here and there, before I called it a day at 12:30pm.

I had been in the stream since 8:10am and was starting to feel a little tired and damp. On my walk back to the car I had to cross the tannin water one more time, so I had a quick flick upstream and picked up my last trout of the day. It was like most of the trout today, a little wild brown.

Though the trout were all small to medium size fish it was still a top day spent chasing them with the Mepps spinners. Today was also my best catch for this season with seventeen trout caught and released. I went home feeling very satisfied on how the day had finished and even better all three different Mepps lures used today had all caught fish.


Adrian (meppstas) Webb