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AFTA Trade Show 2022

The AFTA Fishing Tackle Trade Show is taking place at the Gold Coast Convention Centre and you are welcome to attend the public day on Saturday August 6, 10am - 3pm.

We have 10 tickets to give away, visit our Facebook or Instagram to enter -

Facebook - Tackle Tactics / TT Fishing / Z-Man Lures Australia / Platypus Fishing Lines / Okuma Australia

Instagram - tackletactics / ttfishing_aus / zmanaustralia / platypus_lines / okumaaustralia 

Drawn Monday August 1 (Please only enter if you can attend the event).

AFTA brings fishing tackle and marine wholesalers together in one location where they can showcase their products, including their latest releases, to fishing tackle and marine retailers from around the country, along with the general public on the open to the public day.

Make sure you visit the Tackle Tactics stand to meet the team and check out the latest product releases from proven brands such as TT, ZMan, Platypus and Okuma, including new rods, reels, line, leader, soft plastics, jigheads, apparel and more.

On the day you can also test your skill on the ZMan 10X Tough shoot out, with prizes including hats, head socks, can coolers and sticker packs.

Stay tuned to our social media pages and website for the latest product releases and new product videos.

Fish on! Team TT