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Jeff Wilton

How did you get into fishing?

When I was very young I always had to follow my father around everywhere he went. I still remember him putting a beach rod in my hands that was hooked up to a fish. From then on all I wanted to do was fish every spare moment that I had. I didn't care what fish I was chasing, technique or location, as long as there was a rod in my hands.

What inspires you about fishing?

The locations and the fish. I love planning where I am going, along with the techniques to target certain species. The places fishing can take you are breathtaking and the challenge of hooking and fighting fish always gets the heart pumping.

Where in Australia do you fish and what are your main target species?

I'm lucky enough to call Lucinda in North Queensland home. This means that I have so many options available, from rainforest streams chasing jungle perch and estuaries for barra and jacks, to bluewater for anything from massive fingermark to nannygai and emperor. Throw in options for huge GT and marlin and this is why I say that I live in a fisherman's paradise.

What are 3 of your favourite species and why?

  • Mangrove jack - They're aggressive and watching them smash surface, then attempt to destroy you, is adrenalin fishing.

  • Barramundi - When that unmistakable thump is felt through the rod and that bucket mouth, followed by sleek chrome body, leaps into the air...

  • Jungle perch - They are an amazing looking fish that take you to postcard locations in search of them.

What are a few of your most memorable captures?

First dogtooth tuna from a trailer boat, fish that we spent countless hours trying to work out, will never be forgotten. The blood, sweat and tears that went into those fish were mind blowing.

First metre barra from the salt, that I sight cast to, fought in tight country and landed all solo. I was never meant to land that fish but sometimes things work out.

What are your go-to Tackle Tactics products and some tips for fishing them?

TT Lures SnakelockZ weedless jigheads - they make fishing tight structure so much easier. Match the hook size to the plastic and try different weights to keep you in the strike zone. Allow the plastic to get to the bottom and use slow lifts to hop plastic back to boat.

ZMan 2.75" Finesse FrogZ - fish just hate them, but in a good way! Rig them on 1/12oz 2/0 TT Lures ChinlockZ SWS jighead for added casting distance and also to make them skip better. Always use a loop knot to allow for maximum action. HANG ON!

What are your go-to Okuma products and why?

Helios SX spin reels - smooth and reliable. They are a joy to use and have the added bonus of looking great.

Azores Blue spin reels - tough and reliable. These reels just feel great in the hands and when you're loaded up to big fish they handle the pressure no worries.

What species are on your bucket list and why?

Black and spot tail bass. Hand casting for potentially the hardest hitting and fighting fish that can grow massive. I get shaky hands even thinking about those fish. I can only imagine trying to stop a solid fish in tight structure!

What is a piece of fishing advice that you've been given that still sticks with you?

Persist and slow down. My dad always told me to slow down and think more when it came to tough bites. Taking the time to think about the situation and work out a way of getting a bite can be the difference of a day of nothing or bent rods.

Three tips for somebody new to fishing?

Research. There is so much info out there, so get on social media, read fishing mags and watch everything you can to help. Take note of as much as you can as normally you will notice similar scenarios.

Slow down, think about a game plan for your up coming fishing session. Read the tide charts and prepare your tackle. If you forget a particular jighead or plastic it may mean missed opportunities.

Target a species. If you concentrate your efforts on a certain species, your catch rates will improve.