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By Tackle Tactics Pro Angler Adrian Webb
First published: Sep 24 2018

Adrian 'Meppsta' Webb is a trout fanatic from Tasmania, who has a long history of consistent success on trout using Mepps inline spinners.

Fast Water Trout 13-12-2018

With overcast, damp conditions today, I headed over to the Mersey River at Kimberley and as soon as I arrived (5:45am) I saw trout surface feeding in the wide slow flowing water. Seeing that always means I'm in for a tough session because the trout are focussed on the small insects on the surface and as it turned out it was just that.

I still flicked the Mepps spinners and a few hard body lures around in the slow flowing water, for just the one follow. Heavy rain was forecast for later in the day, however at this stage it was just a light drizzle on and off which I didn't mind. I decided the only place that I would catch trout today was the fast water runs, so that's where I headed. The area I was fishing only had four stretches of fast water and they're well apart from each other too.

The first one that I fished is usually the most reliable stretch of fast water, always giving up a couple of fish. It wasn't all that good today. It took me close on fifteen minutes before I finally hooked my first trout of the session, only to see it toss the spinner on the first leap from the river. That was the only hit I had in there, so it was onto the next fast water, another one that regularly gives up a rainbow trout and has often saved the day for me.

This fast water, like the last one, is perfect for the cast and drift method that I love doing with the Mepps spinners. It took a few minutes of casting and drifting the spinner with the flow when it was taken by a solid rainbow. My saviour had arrived and it was well hooked too. It made several leaps and runs, before it tired and I had it in the net. It was 7:05 am (time in the camera) when the fish was landed, so it had taken a while to get a score on the board.

Once I reached the top end of the fast water I had a few flicks around the tail end of a long wide stretch of river and it was here that I picked up two small browns in very quick time. The next fast water was a long way up so I went inland then, walking close to 400m until I could see the tail end of it, where I needed to get to.

To reach the river I had to bush bash my way through fifteen metres of head high grass and thick foliage. I made plenty of noise getting through it too. After catching a few more small browns on the Aglia Furia, I changed to a gold Black Fury spinner. I wanted to give this gold lure a workout in this deepish, fast water run, a stretch of water that gave up a few browns and a couple of rainbows last time I fished it. Well, it wasn't to be this trip because this beautiful fast water run never gave a yelp... not a single hit or follow from a trout. I couldn't believe it as it's the best fast water run of the lot in this area.

With just the one fast water left to fish, things were looking a little grim at this stage of the spin session. I went back to the Aglia Furia to fish the last stretch of water and it was here that I picked up two browns and a beautiful rainbow (450 grams), which was the best fish of the day.

I was just about to head back to the car when I spotted a few trout on the rise in the tail end of another wide slow stretch of river. I thought I'd flick the spinner up and across the river and do a slow retrieve, while giving the spinner a light jerk every so often. It worked and I picked up a small brown that finished off my spin session at 9:20 am. It was quite warm now as the cloud had thinned out and the sun was poking through, so it was a long, hot walk back to the car. I arrived at the car at 10.20 am, totally buggered...

Tight Lines
Adrian (meppstas) Webb