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FG Knot

FG Knot

The FG Knot is one of the most effective methods of joining braided main lines to monofilament of fluorocarbon leader.

1. Start with your thinner braided main line (pink) and thicker leader (yellow).

2. Create a loop in the main line (pink) about 200mm long.

3. Wrap the loop around your thumb a few times, so it does not slip and can hold some tension.

4. Place your fingers inside the loop and open it up.

5. Take the leader (yellow) and insert into the loop.

6. Wrap the leader (yellow) tag end around one side of the loop in an under-over fashion.

7. Now take the leader (yellow) tag end and repeat this process on the other side of the loop.

8. Continue wrapping the leader around each side of the loop in turn.

9. Ensure you swap to each side of the loop every time.

10. The wraps will start to create a criss-cross pattern in the braid (pink) around the leader (yellow).

11. Create at least 8-12 wraps. More wraps are required on lighter lines.

12. Unwrap your thumb and fingers and lay the braided main line (pink) along the leader, with the tag end at a right angle.

13. Start a basic overhand knot by laying the braid (pink) tag end back OVER the leader/main line.

14. Complete the overhand knot by bringing the braid tag end under the leader/main line and through the newly created loop.

15. At this stage, moisten the knot and tension very tightly by pulling on the leader and main line.

16. Now create another overhand knot, ensuring this time the tag end of the braid initially passes UNDER the leader.

17. Complete this overhand knot and tension tightly, then create another overhand knot, being sure to go OVER the leader and main line this time. The sequence of 3 overhand knots should go OVER, then UNDER, then OVER the leader/main line.

18. Tension these overhand knots very tightly as you go, and fold the tag end of the leader out of the way.

19. Now create an overhand knot with the braid (pink) over itself, passing the tag OVER the line. You will create 6 of these, being careful to alternate between going OVER then UNDER the line at the start of each one.

20. This slide shows the next over hand starting by first going UNDER the main line. Alternate the next 4 overhand knots in this fashion.

21. Now moisten the knot again, and tension by pulling hard on the main line (pink) and its tag end.

22. Trim both tag ends neatly, and your FG knot is ready to fish.

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