Tackle Tactics » Tips-Techniques » Adrian-Webbs-Trout-Tips » Fine Weather and Lower Levels 22-8-2018
Fine Weather and Lower Levels 22-8-2018
22-8-18 - Fine weather and water levels getting lower. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Finally, the weather has settled over the past couple of days and it's going to stay this way for several more days. Not only that, the river levels are starting to drop which is even better news, well for me it is anyway seeing as I only fish the rivers here in Tasmania.
With it being fine today, I headed back to the same little tannin stream that I fished just over a week ago. The water was a light tannin colour and flowing at the perfect height for wading. I quickly slipped into my wading gear, grabbed the Okuma 6' L/Wt trout rod, hopped into the water and started casting a Mepps #0 Aglia Tiger fluoro upstream, retrieving it back at the same speed as the flow.
It took at least fifteen minutes before I had my first trout follow the lure and that fish took one light nip at the spinner before darting off. It wasn't even an aggressive hit, which surprised me because the conditions were the same as my last trip here.
Another ten minutes later I had a second brown trout follow the lure and it just would not take it. I let the spinner drift down past me and the fish followed it all the way, even when I let the line go tight while letting the flow of the river work the spinner blade. The trout turned, faced upstream and then sat behind the lure as I raised and lowered the spinner several times. Each time I did that the trout came at the spinner as it fluttered back down but still wouldn't strike... I tried everything to get that trout to take the lure. It kept coming at it and then backed off each time before it finally lost interest in it and moved off.?
I decided to change over to a Mepps #0 Black Fury with a gold blade and yellow dots and that spinner picked up my first trout of the session. Like my last trip here the first trout caught was a small 220g fish which was pretty disappointing as I was hoping for something a little bigger this trip. Ten minutes later and some twenty metres further upstream I picked up two more small brown trout?in quick time.
Those two were the last trout caught for around fifty minutes, before I had another change of lure. This time it was on with a Mepps #0 Black Fury gold blade with orange dots. I caught and released another two small browns from three hook ups on that spinner, before I called it a day.
I had spent nearly three hours in the river for just six hook ups, with five small browns being landed... which was well below my expectations today. I was hoping for better results, with some larger trout being caught today but it wasn't to be. With the river levels starting to drop in the larger rivers I'm hoping to make a trip to one of them in the next day or two and hopefully land a few larger trout...
Adrian (meppstas)