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Tornado Original

A genuine cod stopper that's built tough for big fish.

The TT Tornado spinnerbait is a genuine big fish presentation, specifically designed for Murray cod. Features of this heavy-duty spinnerbait include an innovative double skirt for added bulk and water movement, heavy-duty stainless teel frame and large, heavy duty chemically sharpened hook.

Only quality components are used to complete each spinnerbait, including ball bearing swivels, gold (brass) and nickel-plated blades and durable silicone skirts. Available in both tandem (Colorado / Willow) and double Colorado (Colorado / Colorado) blade configurations, with tandem running faster and deeper, while the extra flash and thumping vibration or the large Colorado blade sees the double Colorado run shallower and at slower speeds.

If Murray cod are your target species, throw them a spinnerbait that's build cod tough!