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Blades Switch on the Redfin

Blades Switch on the Redfin

Redfin are an introduced species found in southern parts of Australia. They are a popular target species for a variety of reasons; their accessibility, with redfin available in most man-made lakes. They look good, are super-aggressive and hit lures hard, are one of the best freshwater table fish and they school, allowing them to be caught in numbers once they have been located.

We recently had a chat to Ross Gould about the success he has been having targeting Redfin on TT Lures Switchblades and Ghostblades.

Why are blades so effective?

The vibration definitely attracts Redfin to the lure and they are an aggressive feeder so they hit them hard. They are like pelagic species, they just keep eating. In fact I caught a 40cm Redfin once and it coughed up a 15cm Redfin that swam away, and this thing still ate my lure!

The other reason the Switchblade is so successful is that it can be cast a mile, allowing you to prospect areas until you find a school of Redfin and then it can be one after another.

Where do you target Redfin? Technique?

They are available in almost every manmade lake around Melbourne. We generally target weed beds and blades allow you to fish over the weed, at your desired depth, by allowing them to sink and then commencing a slow roll over the weed.

Fishing around reeds is also effective, as is a lift and drop over patchy bottom where weed would foul the hooks.

What gear should I use for Redfin?

As light as possible, so that you can have a bit of fun. I fish 1-3kg rods with small spinning reels, loaded with 6lb braid and 6lb leader. The braided line allows for longer casts which again is good for covering ground in search of schooled fish.

What colours work best?

I have had great success on the Switchblade in Aussie Green & Gold and Peacock Blue. Some anglers prefer the reds and oranges. Gold Noggin is also an effective colour.

Thanks to Ross for his tips on chasing Redfin on the TT Lures Switchblade and

Ghost Blade lures. If you chase Redfin, give the blades a go, we have had heaps of feedback from anglers who are cleaning up on the Switchy and Ghosty with the Aussie Green & Gold being a revelation in Redfin fishing.

The Ghostblade is a transparent, polycarbonate blade that is available in 1/12oz and 1/6oz and 12 colours. The Switchblade is available in 20 colours and a range of weights, with the most popular weights for Redfin being 1/8 and 1/4oz.