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Rapala Loop Knot

The Rapala Loop is a well known and effective knot, which leaves the lure, fly or hook swinging freely for increased action.

  1. Start by creating a basic overhand knot, and leave a reasonable length on the tag end.

  2. Pass the tag end through the eye of the lure or hook, then pass it from front to back through the loop of the overhand knot.

  3. Begin twisting the tag end around the main line.

  4. Do at least 3 twists.

  5. Now pass the tag end back through the overhand knot loop as shown, from the back to the front.

  6. Moisten the knot and slowly start tightening it down, ensuring the twists bed down evenly and the end loop is the desired size.

  7. Tension the main line and the tag end to fully tighten the knot. Trim off the tag end neatly, and the Rapala Loop is ready to go.