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NEW ZMan Yabbie Colour

Saltwater yabbies are irresistible to many fish species and now you can keep a few packets of 10X Tough yabbies in your kit ready to go, thanks to the newly released ZMan Yabbie colour. A pearlescent top section with subtle glitter and a pale orange belly creates a realistic colour imitation, that has proven deadly during the R&D process.

Available in a selection of favourites, including the 2.5” PrawnZ, ST GrubZ, and Slim SwimZ, 3” Slim SwimZ, and a couple of dynamite new models in the 2.75” and 3.5” Drop KickerZ, there’s plenty of presentation options available to suit a wide range of environments and retrieve techniques.

Made in the USA, using proprietary ElaZtech material, ZMan has the advantage of being 10X Tough, allowing you to catch more fish per plastic, they are non-toxic, naturally buoyant so they come to life in the water, and super-soft and flexible so that they feel real when fish strike.

Everything eats a yabby… put a bend in your rod with this deadly new colour addition. Fish on!

PR25-396PK6 - ZMan 2.5" PrawnZ
STG25-396PK8 - ZMan 2.5" ST GrubZ
SLIM25-396PK8 - ZMan 2.5" Slim SwimZ
DK275-396PK6 - ZMan 2.75" Drop KickerZ
SLIM3-396PK6 - ZMan 3" Slim SwimZ
DK35-396PK5 - ZMan 3.5" Drop KickerZ